Stories Benner (New Zealand) John Henry Benner

John Henry Benner

John Henry Benner

John Henry Benner

Benner Family in Clonmel

Obituary from the Bay of Plenty Times 12 August 1910



It is our sad duty to record the death of Mr John Henry Benner one of the oldest and most highly respected farmers of Pongakawa, which occurred at his residence Clonmel, on Saturday last at the age of 69 years.

Deceased had only been confined to bed for three, weeks, and despite medical care and every attention, passed away as above stated, the cause of death being an ailment of the heart.

The late Mr Benner was born in Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland, his father being a well known solicitor in that part of the country, where the name has been known tor many generations. He engaged in business for a long period in the South of Ireland. and came to New Zealand, with his wife and family, some 20 years ago, taking up a farming property at Pongakawa, where be had since resided. He took a great interest in school affairs, and was secretary of the Pongakawa School Committee from the establishment of the school up till his demise.

The late Mr Benner was a man of high character, and possessed a most genial disposition, and a generous heart. His death dealeaves a blank that will be hard to fill, for the hospitality which he dispensed at ''Clonmel" gave him a reputation as a host that has long since spread beyond the confines of Pongakawa. He was held in the very highest esteem by bis fellow-settlers, and a large circle of acquaintances will learn of his demise with the keenest regret.

Deceased is survived by four sons and four daughters. The sons are Messrs Henry and Arthur E Benner, of the Waihi Gold Mining Company's clerical staff; Mr William J. Benner, farmer, of Paengaroa and Mr Albert Benner, who was associated with the Clonmel property. The daughters are Mrs J. Ball, of Pongakawa Miss Maud Benner, teacher of the Te Matai School; and Misses Amy and Millie Benner, who resided with their father The burial took place on Sunday, deceased's remains being laid to rest in the Te Puke Cemetery

The funeral cortege was a very lengthy one, and testified to the great regard in which the deceased gentleman was held throughout the Pongakawa, Paengaroa and Te Puke districts. The late Mr Benner was an adherent of the Church of England, and in the absence of a minister of that denomination, the Rev. A. H. Nerrie conducted the service at the graveside in a most impressive manner.


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