Early Raumati Memories
Sunday, 22 April 2012 14:20
Early Raumati Memories
The Eatwell Family had much to do with the development of Raumati South.
Here are some articles that provide some interesting perspectives.
The first is from Mark Perry, a long time friend of Jack Eatwell.In late 1929, my family was introduced to Kawatiri, south ofParaparaumu beach, where Bert Eatwell, a farmer and Mr. A.J. McLennan an accountant, were sub-dividing some land. Bert Eatwell was a relative of a family friend in Hataitai in Wellington. The area appealed to us for a holiday destination. The beach was wide, even at high tide and the sea, very safe for swimming, partly sheltered by Kapiti Island. My family decided to buy two adjoining sections on a ridge, recently close planted in Pinus insignus trees. Messrs Eatwell and McLennan had originally planted Douglas Firs, but these had not established themselves very well, though a few did survive amongst the pines. The sections cost us fifty five pounds each, ($110) with an initial deposit of five pounds. Rates were 4/- (40c) per year. Bert Eatwell was constructing a road at the base of the ridge using a horse and scoop, he named it Pine Avenue. Some years later the name was changed to Tennis Court Road.....

The second is from the Rainey family. This contains a picture of the Kawatiri Guest House in pre-war times.